Highway Collisions

Accidents on the highway typically involve higher speeds, thus leading to more significant injuries and property damage than accidents on regular roadways throughout Tennessee. Not only can these incidents lead to major injuries and setbacks for injury victims in Nashville, but they can also become incredibly challenging claims to file with insurance carriers.

Man driving recklessly on highway.

Major Highways in Tennessee

Tennessee is crisscrossed by several major highways that are vital for transportation and commerce. These highways are also common sites for serious collisions due to the high traffic volume and high speed limits. Some of the major highways in Tennessee include:

  • Interstate 40 (I-40). Running east to west across the entire state, I-40 connects Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville, making it one of the most traveled highways in Tennessee.
  • Interstate 24 (I-24). This highway runs diagonally from the northwest corner of the state through Nashville to the southeast corner, providing a critical route for both local and through traffic.
  • Interstate 65 (I-65). Extending from the Alabama border through Nashville to the Kentucky border, I-65 is a major north-south route that sees heavy commuter and freight traffic.
  • Interstate 75 (I-75). Running from the Georgia state line through Chattanooga and Knoxville to the Kentucky state line, I-75 is another crucial north-south artery.
  • Interstate 81 (I-81). This highway connects with I-40 near Knoxville and runs northeast to the Virginia state line, serving as a key route for traffic heading to the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states.

These highways are essential for daily travel and economic activities but are also hotspots for collisions due to high traffic volumes and speeds​​​​.

Common Causes of Highway Collisions

Highway collisions can occur for a variety of reasons. Understanding these causes can actually assist in preventing accidents and establishing fault when they do happen. Some of the common causes include:

  • Speeding. High speeds reduce reaction times and increase the severity of collisions, making speeding one of the leading causes of highway accidents.
  • Distracted Driving. Activities such as texting, eating, or using in-car technology divert attention from the road, leading to accidents.
  • Impaired Driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (illegal or prescription) significantly impairs judgment and reaction times, contributing to a large number of highway accidents.
  • Drowsy Driving. Fatigue can be as dangerous as alcohol impairment, causing drivers to react slower and increasing the risk of falling asleep at the wheel.
  • Weather Conditions. Rain, fog, snow, and ice can create hazardous driving conditions, reducing visibility and traction.
  • Aggressive Driving. Behaviors such as tailgating, weaving through traffic, and road rage can lead to serious accidents.
  • Mechanical Failures. Tire blowouts, brake failures, and other mechanical issues can lead to a loss of vehicle control.
  • Construction Zones. Changes in traffic patterns, reduced lanes, and the presence of construction workers can create dangerous conditions on highways​​​​.

What Type of Injuries Can Occur?

Highway collisions often result in severe injuries due to the high speeds involved. Some common injuries include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs). These can range from relatively mild concussions to severe brain damage, affecting cognitive and motor functions.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries. Damage to the spinal column can lead to partial or complete paralysis, significantly altering a victim’s life.
  • Broken Bones. High-impact crashes can result in fractures that may require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Internal Injuries. Damage to internal organs such as the lungs, liver, or spleen can be life-threatening and often require emergency surgery.
  • Whiplash. This types of neck injury is typically caused by the rapid back-and-forth motion of the head and can cause mobility issues and persistent pain.
  • Lacerations and Abrasions. Cuts and scrapes can occur from broken glass and other debris, sometimes leading to severe blood loss or infection.
  • Burns. In cases where vehicles catch fire, occupants may suffer from serious burns that require specialized medical care.
  • Psychological Injuries. The trauma of being involved in a serious highway collision can lead to conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression​​​​.

Determining Liability After a Highway Accident – Why is This Challenging?

Establishing liability in highway accidents can be particularly challenging due to several factors:

  • Multiple Vehicles. Incidents involving multiple vehicles can make it difficult to determine the initial cause of the collision and who is at fault.
  • High Speeds. The higher speeds on highways mean that the circumstances of the crash can be more complex and harder to reconstruct.
  • Lack of Witnesses. Unlike accidents on city streets, highway accidents may have fewer witnesses, making it more difficult to gather testimonies.
  • Complex Police Reports. The complexity of highway accidents can lead to lengthy and detailed police reports, which can be challenging to interpret without legal expertise.
  • Weather and Road Conditions. Poor weather or road maintenance can contribute to accidents, adding another layer of complexity in determining liability​​​​.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

A car accident attorney in Nashville can provide invaluable assistance to individuals involved in highway collisions. Here are several ways they can help:

  • Investigating the Accident. A thorough investigation should happen quickly, which includes gathering evidence such as accident reports, witness statements, and traffic camera footage.
  • Determining Liability. Establishing fault is critical for claiming compensation. Lawyers use their expertise to analyze evidence and determine liability.
  • Dealing with Insurance Companies. Lawyers handle all communications with insurance companies, negotiating for fair settlements.
  • Filing Lawsuits. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, lawyers will file a civil personal injury lawsuit and represent their clients in court.
  • Providing Legal Advice. Throughout the process, lawyers offer legal advice and support, helping clients understand their rights and options.
  • Securing Expert Testimony. In complex cases, lawyers may secure expert witnesses such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical experts to strengthen the case​​​​.

Securing Compensation After a Highway Accident in Tennessee

Victims of highway collisions in Tennessee may be entitled to various forms of compensation. Securing this compensation involves several steps:

  • Medical Expenses. This should cover past and future medical bills, including emergency care, doctor visits, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation.
  • Lost Wages. Victims can claim compensation for wages lost due to the inability to work during recovery and any future loss of earning capacity.
  • Pain and Suffering. Damages for physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident are often included in compensation claims.
  • Property Damage. Reimbursement for repairs or replacement of the damaged vehicle and other personal property.
  • Loss of Consortium. Compensation for the impact of the injuries on the victim’s relationship with their spouse or family.

The process of filing a claim begins with gathering all necessary documentation, including medical records, accident reports, and proof of expenses. It is crucial to file the claim within Tennessee’s statute of limitations, which is generally one year from the date of the accident.