Drunk Driving Injuries

Accidents involving drivers impaired by alcohol are more than just frustrating experiences. Impaired driving incidents can lead to severe injuries and significant financial setbacks for victims. Unfortunately, individuals often sustain more than one injury after a drunk-driving collision. Here, we want to review impaired driving collisions that lead to injuries as well as some of the challenges associated with these particular types of claims.

Drunk Driving Injuries

Drunk Driving Accident Data for Tennessee

Drunk driving remains a serious issue in Tennessee, contributing to thousands of accidents each year. According to state data, alcohol-impaired driving was involved in over 5,000 crashes in the state in 2021 alone. These crashes led to more than 3,000 injuries and over 200 fatalities. 

Despite numerous public awareness campaigns and strict DUI laws, impaired drivers continue to pose a significant threat on Tennessee roads. This data underscores the devastating impact of drunk driving and highlights the need for continued vigilance and legal recourse for victims.

What Type of Injuries Can Occur?

The force of a collision involving an impaired driver is typically more intense due to the high speeds and erratic driving behaviors associated with alcohol impairment. Some of the most common injuries resulting from these accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI). When a drunk driver causes a collision, the force of the impact can result in a traumatic brain injury. TBIs can lead to long-term cognitive issues, memory problems, and changes in personality or behavior. TBI victims often require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing care.
  • Spinal cord trauma. Spinal column injuries are among the most serious consequences of drunk driving accidents. These injuries can lead to varying levels of paralysis, depending on the location and severity of the damage. Victims may lose the ability to walk, work, or care for themselves independently, drastically altering their quality of life. .
  • Broken bones and fractures. The high-speed nature of many drunk driving crashes often results in broken bones and fractures. Victims commonly suffer fractures in their arms, legs, ribs, and pelvis. Some fractures can result in long-term complications.
  • Internal injuries. The violent impact of a impaired driving collision can cause serious internal injuries, including damage to organs like the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Internal bleeding is a particularly dangerous outcome, as it may not be immediately apparent but can quickly become life-threatening. 
  • Whiplash and neck injuries. Whiplash is a common injury in rear-end crashes in Tennessee, which are frequently caused by impaired drivers. This injury occurs when the head is forcefully jerked back and forth, straining the muscles and ligaments in the neck. While whiplash may seem minor, it can lead to chronic pain, headaches, and reduced mobility if not properly treated.
  • Lacerations and abrasions. Traumatic collisions can cause deep cuts and abrasions. These injuries, while often less severe than others, can still result in significant pain, scarring, and the potential for infections.

Most Common Types of Drunk Driving Collisions

Drunk driving collisions can occur in various ways, each presenting unique risks and challenges. Some of the most common types of collisions involving impaired drivers include:

  • Head-on collisions. One of the most dangerous types of crashes, head-on collisions often occur when a drunk driver swerves into oncoming traffic. The combined speed of both vehicles can result in catastrophic damage and severe injuries or fatalities.
  • Rear-end collisions. Drunk drivers often fail to notice slowing or stopped traffic, leading to rear-end crashes. These collisions can cause significant injuries, especially if the impact occurs at high speeds.
  • T-bone (side-impact) collisions. T-bone collisions typically happen at intersections when a drunk driver runs a stop signal and crashes into the side of another vehicle. These crashes can be deadly, particularly for passengers seated on the side of the impact.
  • Single-vehicle accidents. Impaired drivers could lose control of their vehicles, resulting in single-vehicle accidents where the car crashes into a stationary object. Passengers in these vehicles are often at high risk of injury.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

Following a drunk driving accident, a car accident attorney can provide essential support to victims by guiding them through the often challenging legal process. Here are several ways an attorney can offer assistance:

  • Investigating the accident. An attorney will conduct a comprehensive investigation to collect evidence, such as police reports, witness accounts, and any available video recordings. This evidence is essential for building a robust case against the drunk driver.
  • Establishing liability. Proving that the other driver was impaired at the time of the accident is critical for obtaining compensation. An attorney can demonstrate liability by showing how the driver’s intoxication directly caused the collision and subsequent injuries.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies. Insurance companies may attempt to reduce payouts in drunk driving cases. A skilled attorney can negotiate on behalf of the victim to secure fair compensation for their injuries and losses.
  • Pursuing additional damages. In certain situations, victims may qualify for punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages. An attorney can help pursue these claims, which aim to penalize the drunk driver for their reckless actions.
  • Navigating legal complexities. Drunk driving cases often involve both civil and criminal aspects. An attorney can manage these complexities and ensure the victim’s rights are upheld throughout the legal proceedings.

Types of Compensation Victims Usually Receive

Victims of drunk driving accidents in Tennessee may be eligible for a range of compensation types, which vary based on the details of their case. Compensation is generally categorized into economic and non-economic damages:

  • Medical costs. Victims can seek reimbursement for medical expenses related to the accident, including emergency care, surgeries, hospital stays, rehabilitation, and ongoing treatment. This also extends to future medical expenses if long-term care is required due to the injuries.
  • Lost wages. If the victim is unable to work because of their injuries, they may claim compensation for lost income. This includes both the income lost during recovery and any future earnings the victim may miss due to a long-term or permanent disability.
  • Pain and suffering. This compensation addresses the physical pain and emotional distress experienced by the victim as a result of the accident. It considers how the injuries affect the victim’s quality of life, including chronic pain, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment in activities previously enjoyed.
  • Property damage. Victims can claim compensation for the repair or replacement of their vehicle and any other personal property damaged in the crash.
  • Loss of consortium. In certain cases, spouses may be entitled to compensation for the loss of companionship, affection, and support due to the victim’s injuries.
  • Punitive damages. In instances of gross negligence, such as drunk driving, punitive damages may be awarded. 

Challenges Associated With Drunk Driving Accident Claims in Tennessee

Pursuing a car accident claim in Nashville can present several challenges, especially in the case of a potential DUI. One of the primary challenges is proving that the other driver was impaired at the time of the accident. While a DUI conviction can strongly support a civil claim, the absence of such a conviction can make proving impairment more difficult.

Another challenge is dealing with insurance companies. Insurance adjusters may try to limit the payout by disputing the extent of the victim’s injuries or arguing that the victim was to blame. Tennessee’s comparative negligence laws allow for the reduction of compensation if the victim is found to be partially responsible for the accident.

The emotional toll of a drunk driving collision in Tennessee can be overwhelming and make it tough for victims to focus on the legal aspects of their case. Working with a knowledgeable attorney can help alleviate some of this burden, ensuring that the victim’s rights are protected.

Speak to a Skilled Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Today

You may have never worked with an attorney before, but we encourage you to speak to one after a drunk driving accident occurs. An attorney with significant resources can offer a free consultation and help you stand up to aggressive insurance carriers and attorneys for the other party. There is no reason for you to have to do this alone, and your chances of recovering compensation are improved by having a skilled vehicle accident lawyer by your side.