What is the Average Car Accident Settlement Worth?
Posted in Car accidents on November 27, 2023
If you or a loved one sustains an injury or property damage as a result of a vehicle accident caused by another driver, you deserve compensation. However, how much compensation is the average car accident settlement worth in Tennessee? Car accident claims can be incredibly challenging, particularly when going up against aggressive insurance carriers. Here,… read more
Fall Safe Driving Tips for Nashville Drivers
Posted in Car accidents on November 12, 2023
Fall driving in Tennessee shouldn’t be different than any other season, right? Well, every season is different, particularly in Tennessee, so you should adjust your driving behavior accordingly. The Fall brings several distinct challenges for drivers that we want to discuss. Whether you want to head out and see some falling leaves or simply get… read more
Explaining the Dangers of Speeding
Posted in Car accidents on November 2, 2023
Speeding injures and takes lives. We have incredible responsibilities when it comes to operating motor vehicles. These are vehicles that weigh thousands of pounds and can travel at high rates of speed, so any irresponsible behavior can lead to major injuries and property damage. Speeding is a leading cause of vehicle accident injuries and deaths… read more
How to File a Dog Bite Report in Tennessee
Posted in Dog Bites on October 17, 2023
If you or somebody you care about sustains a dog bite injury in Tennessee, you might be confused at first about what steps to take next. It is imperative that you file a dog bite report with law enforcement officials or with animal control in your area. Having an incident report can serve a few… read more
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Bites in Tennessee?
Posted in Dog Bites on October 12, 2023
Dog bites are not uncommon, but they can lead to major medical expenses for a victim. In many cases, dog bite injury victims are able to recover compensation for their losses from the dog’s owner, often through a claim against their insurance carrier and with the help of a Nashville dog bite attorney. Homeowners’ insurance… read more
Can Breed Affect the Outcome of a Dog Bite Case?
Posted in Dog Bites on October 9, 2023
Every dog owner has a responsibility to ensure that their pet does not affect the safety of others. When dog bite injuries occur, victims are often able to recover compensation, but dog bite cases can be challenging. Here, we want to examine whether or not the breed of a dog can affect the outcome of… read more
How To Pursue a Burn Injury Claim In Nashville
Posted in Personal Injury on September 18, 2023
Burn injuries can leave individuals with immense medical bills, lost wages, and significant pain and suffering. When these injuries occur due to the careless or negligent actions of another individual or entity, victims may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation. Here, we want to discuss how a burn injury victim… read more
How to Properly Treat a Burn Injury
Posted in Personal Injury on September 18, 2023
When a person gets diagnosed with a burn injury, medical professionals will need to take steps to help the victim heal properly. The treatment recommended for burn injuries will vary depending on the severity of the initial injury and where on the body the burn occurred. Here, we want to offer a basic review of… read more
What are the Long-Term Effects of Burn Injuries?
Posted in Personal Injury on September 17, 2023
Severe burn injuries can have a lasting impact on a victim’s life. Not only is the initial recovery often excruciating, but the long-term effects can leave individuals disabled, disfigured, and unable to continue the activities they enjoyed before the injury occurred. Here, we want to examine some of the most common long-term effects of severe… read more
Is an Autopsy Necessary in a Wrongful Death Case?
Posted in Wrongful death on August 17, 2023
An autopsy is a medical exam of the body after a person passes away. Autopsies are performed in many different situations and help to determine the cause, mode, and manner of death. Autopsies can help bring closure to families and authorities and can be used both for investigative and educational purposes. However, is an autopsy… read more