
Can You File a Lawsuit for a Ladder Injury?

Individuals often sustain various types of injuries as a result of mishaps with a ladder. Ladder accidents can occur in various locations, including a private residence or a work site. If you or someone you care about has sustained a ladder injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit depending on the circumstances surrounding… read more

Steps to Take After an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

Individuals involved in an accident with an uninsured driver should take steps quickly to ensure their well-being and help preserve the integrity of an insurance claim or potential personal injury lawsuit. Immediate Steps Following the Accident After an accident occurs, the scene can be chaotic. This is a confusing time for every person involved because… read more

How is Damage Compensation Awarded in a DUI Accident?

Individuals harmed due to the negligent actions of an impaired driver are often able to recover compensation for their medical expenses, property damage losses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. In very specific circumstances, individuals may be able to recover punitive damages after sustaining a personal injury in Tennessee. How Does Tennessee Define Punitive… read more

Can Car Accident Passengers File a Personal Injury Claim?

If you sustain an injury as a passenger in a vehicle, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses. Often, passengers are able to recover compensation through a settlement with one or more insurance carriers involved in the case. However, car accident passengers may have to file a personal injury lawsuit in… read more

Steps to Take After a Nashville Sideswipe Accident

Sideswipe accidents happen when the side of one vehicle strikes, scrapes, or otherwise makes contact with the side of another vehicle. These types of incidents can occur in a variety of settings, including in regular roadway traffic, in parking lots, at intersections, and any other areas where vehicles are likely to come into close proximity…. read more

Common Causes of Merging Accidents

Merging is a fairly advanced driving skill. Anytime two streams of traffic combine into a single lane, drivers must understand right-of-way laws and how they apply to these particular scenarios. Unfortunately, because merging is complex and involves several tasks at once, accidents during a merging procedure are not uncommon. Here, we want to review some… read more

Determining Fault in a Slip and Fall Accident

When individuals sustain a slip and fall injury, they often require significant emergency and even ongoing medical care in order to recover. This type of care, combined with lost wages and out-of-pocket expenses arising due to the incident, becomes costly very quickly. Slip and fall accident victims could recover compensation if their injury was caused… read more

What Commonly Causes Nashville T-Bone Accidents?

T-bone accidents, sometimes referred to as side impact collisions, often result in devastating injuries and significant property damage for those involved. T-bone, or broadside collisions, can occur due to a variety of reasons, often as a result of the negligent or careless actions of one or more drivers on the roadway. Here, we want to… read more

What are Tennessee’s Car Insurance Requirements?

Every state sets the amount of auto insurance every driver is responsible for carrying in order to remain legal on the roadway. All drivers must be insured. If you are a new driver in Tennessee, it is important to understand the car insurance requirements so that you remain protected in the event an accident occurs…. read more

Nashville’s Most Common Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims in our area arise in a wide variety of ways, almost too many to count. However, there are specific types of injury claims that occur more often than others in and around Nashville, Tennessee. Here, we want to review the five most common personal injury claims individuals are likely to encounter in… read more